Basic Functions

This section describes basic functions provided by RoverWing library. This documentation assumes that you have connected and initialized the RoverWing as described in Installation And Initialization section .

All the functions and member variables described below are part of class Rover. Thus, if you named your Rover object myRover, then to access, say, function begin() you should use myRover.begin(). Similarly, to access class member variable fwVersionMajor, use myRover.fwVersionMajor.

General Functions

boolean begin()

Initializes the RoverWing. Returns true if RoverWing was successfully initialized, false otherwise.

void beginVerbose()

More verbose version of begin(). Initializes the RoverWing and prints to serial monitor firmware version and voltage level. If for some reason initialization failed, it keeps trying until the initialization succeeds.

String fwVersion()

Returns firmware version (major.minor) as a string, e.g. “1.27”

uint8_t fwVersionMajor

Firmware major version. Note that it is a class member, not a function, so do not use parentheses.

uint8_t fwVersionMinor

Firmware minor version.

Voltage Sensing

RoverWing has a built in voltage sensing circuit which measures the supply voltage. You can access the measurement results using the function below. Measurements are accurate to about 2% (this is determined by the resistors used in the circuit).

In addition, the built-in NeoPixel LED, which normally blinks green to indicate that the firmware is loaded, can be programmed to turn red when the supply voltage drops below specified threshold. To set the low voltage threshold, use setLowVoltage() function described below.

float getVoltage()

Returns the RoverWing supply voltage, in volts.

void setLowVoltage(float v)

Sets the low voltage threshold: when the supply voltage drops below this value, the built-in NeoPixel LED blinks red.


RoverWing provides connection for up to four servos, using standard PWM pulse signal. By default, RoverWing uses pulses of duration 1000us-2000us for controlling the servos; if you are using servos with a different range, you can change it using setServoRange() command.

RoverWing provides a data type for servo names, servo_t. It is an enumerated type, with four different values, SERVO1, ... SERVO4.

void setServoRange(servo_t s, int minPulse, int maxPulse)

Sets servo pulse operating range.

  • minPulse, maxPulse (int) – minimal and maximal pulse duration, in microseconds. These values can be found in documentation for your servo; typically minPulse is between 500-1000, and maxPulse is between 2000-2500. For example, for Hitec servos the range is 900-2100 us.
  • s – servo name, should be one of the four values SERVO1, … , SERVO4.
void setServo(servo_t s, float position)

Sets servo position.

  • s – servo name, should be one of the four values SERVO1, …, SERVO4.
  • position (float) – a number between -1.0 and 1.0; value 0.0 corresponds to neutral (middle) position.
void setAllServo(float* pos)

Sets positions of all four servos in a single operation.

  • pos – an array of 4 floats: pos[0] will be used for SERVO1, pos[1] for SERVO2, etc.

RoverWing library includes an example sketch MotorsAndServosBasic, which illustrates the use of these functions.

Motors - Basic Usage

RoverWing provides connections for two brushed DC motors. In this section, we describe basic functions for controlling the motors; more advanced operations, using closed loop control based on encoders and IMU, is described in Advanced Motor Control section

RoverWing provides a data type for motor names, motor_t. It allows just two different values, MOTOR1 and MOTOR2.

void setMotorPwr(motor_t m, float pwr)

Sets the power sent to a motor.

  • m – either MOTOR1 or MOTOR2
  • pwr – a number between -1.0 (full power backwards) and 1.0 (full power forwards). Setting power to 0 stops the motor (brake).
void setAllMotorPwr(float pwr1, float pwr2)

Sets power of both motors in a single operation.

  • pwr1, pwr2 (float) – power values for MOTOR1 and MOTOR2 respectively. Each should be between -1.0 and 1.0

This function checks that the inputs are between -1.0 and 1.0; if they are not, it automatically rescales both values to make sure they are within range while keeping their ratio. For example, calling setAllMotors(2.0,1.0) has the same effect as setAllMotors(1.0,0.5).

void stopMotors()

Stop both motors.

void reverseMotor(motor_t m)

Reverse motor direction. After using this function, power sent to the motor, as well as encoder readings (see below) will be multiplied by -1.

RoverWing library includes an example sketch MotorsAndServosBasic, which illustrates the use of these functions.


RoverWing supports quadrature encoders for each motor: if your motor is equipped with an encoder, you can use it to get current motor position (in revolutions) or motor speed.

Before using encoders, you need to provide some basic info about the motor and encoder. To do that:

  1. create motor configuration data, as object of class motorconfig_t, and set class members encoderCPR (encoder counts per revolution) and noloadRPM.
  2. apply the configuration data to the motor(s) by calling method configureMotor.

Below is a sample code:

motorconfig_t myMotor;
myMotor.encoderCPR = 1440;  //encoder counts per revolution of output shaft
myMotor.noloadRPM = 240;    //rotation speed, in revolutions per minute (RPM) under no load
r.configureMotor(MOTOR1, myMotor);
r.configureMotor(MOTOR2, myMotor);

Note that “encoder counts per revolution” (CPR) should count all four types of events generated by a quadrature encoder (rise and fall on channels A and B), and it should be per revolution of output shaft. For example, for the Pololu micro gear motor combined with the magnetic encoder, the encoder provides 12 counts per revolution of motor shaft, and the motor contains a 75:1 gearbox, so 1 revolution of the output shaft equals 75 revolutions of the motor shaft. Thus, the correct encoder CPR value that should be used in the configuration data is 12*75=900.

The no-load RPM is optional; it is only used for the PID speed control algorithm as discussed in section Advanced Motor Control.

After the configuration data has been applied to the motors, you can access the motor position and speed using the functions below.

float getPosition(motor_t m)

Returns current motor position, in revolutions since the last encoder reset.

void getAllPosition()

Gets from RoverWing and saves positions of both motors. These positions can be accessed later via property position as described below. Using this function instead of `getPosition(MOTOR1); getPosition(MOTOR2); ensures that both positions are taken at the same moment.

float position[2]

Positions of motors, in revolution, fetched by getAllPosition() function. position[0] holds the position of MOTOR1, and position[1] holds the position of MOTOR2. Note that these values are not updated automatically: you need to call getAllPosition() to update them.

float getSpeed(motor_t m)

Returns current speed of motor m, in revolutions per minute (RPM).

void getAllSpeed()

Gets from RoverWing and saves speeds of both motors. These speeds can be accessed later via property speed as described below. Using this function instead of getSpeed(MOTOR1); getSpeed(MOTOR2); ensures that both speeds are taken at the same moment.

float speed[2]

Speeds of motors, in RPM, fetched by getAllSpeed() function. speed[0] holds speed of MOTOR1, and speed[1] holds speed of MOTOR2. Note that these values are not updated automatically: you need to call getAllSpeed() to update them.

void resetEncoder(motor_t m)

Resets the encoder for motor m.

void resetAllEncoder()

Resets the encoders for both motors.

Analog Sensors

RoverWing provides 6 analog inputs, using 10-bit analog to digital converter. You can access these values using the functions below.

float getAnalog(uint8_t i)

Returns reading of analog input i, in volts. Note: index i ranges between 1-6, not 0-5!

float getAllAnalog()

Gets from RoverWing and saves readings of all 6 analog inputs. These readings can be later accessed using property analog below. Using this function is faster than using six different getAnalog(i) calls; it also ensures that all readings are taken at the same moment, which is important if you want to compare them.

float analog[]

Array of analog readings fetched by getAllAnalog() function. analog[1] holds the reading of analog input 1 (in volts), etc. Note that these values are not automatically updated: you must call getAllAnalog() function to update them. Also, note that you should use indexes starting with 1, not 0.


The values returned by these functions are not raw values: RoverWing uses a “low-pass” filter. Slightly simplifying, one can say that this filter, instead of returning the results of last reading, returns an average of several last readings. This helps reduce random noise but also introduces a small delay (about 1 ms) in registering changes in analog readings.


RoverWing supports up to three HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors (sonars). These inexpensive sensors are available from a variety of sources, for example Sparkfun and Amazon. The firmware operates the sonars in continuous mode, cycling all active sonars: after one sonar receives an echo, the distance is to the object is computed and saved and the next available sonar is triggered and sends a sound ping. This process repeats until stopSonars() command is received.

At startup, no sonars are active; to activate some of the sonars, you need to call activateSonars() function.

RoverWing provides a data type for sonar names, sonar_t. It allows three different values, SONAR1, SONAR2, SONAR3.

As with the analog inputs, sonar readings are passed through a low-pass filter, to smooth out random noise.

void activateSonars(uint8_t bitmask, int maxDistance=6000)

Activates sonars.

  • bitmask – which sonars should be activated (least significant bit for SONAR1, next bit for SONAR2, etc). The easiest way is to use predefined values SONAR1, SONAR2, SONAR3 which are defined in such a way that calling activateSonars(SONAR1) activates SONAR1. Moreover, they can be added together to form any combination: for example, to activate sonars 1 and 3, use activateSonars(SONAR1+SONAR3).
  • maxDistance (int) – (optional) specifies maximal distance to an object in mm and is used to determine the timeout time: if no echo is received in the time required for the sound to reach object at this distance and return, then we stop waiting for echo. In this case the function returns value maxDistance (or something very close to it, due to rounding errors). This parameter applies to all active sonars.
void stopSonars()

Stops all sonars.

float getSonar(sonar_t s)

Get latest distance reading of sonar s.

void getAllSonar()

Gets the latest readings of all active sonars from the RoverWing and saves them. These values can be later accessed using sonar[] property

float sonar[3]

Array of sonar readings fetched by getAllSonar() function, in mm. sonar[0] holds reading for sonar 1, etc. Note that these values are not automatically updated: you must call getAllSonar() function to update them.


RoverWing allows connecting a strip of “smart” LEDs, using WS2812b or SK6812 chips. These LEDs, commonly called “NeoPixels”, contain small chips which make them individually addressable: you can independently set colors of different LEDs using just one data line. You can read more about them in Adafruit’s Uberguide: Note that RoverWing only allows the RGB NeoPixels; RGB W NeoPixels, which add white LED to the usual RGB, are not supported.

RoverWing allows you to connect a strip of up to 128 NeoPixels. However, the more NeoPixels you connect, the more power they consume, and the longer it takes to update the whole strip, so please check the power requirements specified in RoverWing User Guide if you intend to use more than 20-30 NeoPixels.

Note that RoverWing also contains an internal NeoPixel LED, which blinks green to indicate normal operation, or red to indicate low supply voltage. This NeoPixel can not be directly controlled by the user (other than setting the low voltage threshold as described in section Voltage Sensing).

void setPixelCount(uint8_t n)

Sets the number of NeoPixels connected to the RoverWing (up to 128)

void setPixelBrightness(uint8_t b)

Sets brightness for all NeoPixels (including the internal one). Brightness can range from 0-255; usually, brightness of 32 (1/8 of maximum) is bright enough.

This setting (as well as colors of individual pixels set using setPixelRGB() and setPixelHSV() functions) is not applied immediately; you need to call showPixel() function to apply them.

void setPixelColor(uint8_t i, uint32_t c)

Sets the color of i-th pixel. This color is not applied immediately: see description of showPixel() function below.

void setPixelHSV(uint8_t i, uint8_t H, uint8_t S, uint8_t V)

Sets color of i-th pixel, using Hue, Saturation, and Value (see, e.g.,, each ranging 0-255. As before, i starts with 1 and the color change is not applied immediately.

void showPixel()

After setting individual pixel colors using any combination of functions above, call this function to apply all changes at once.