Installation And Initialization


This guide assumes that you have a Feather board plugged into the RoverWing, and have powered the RoverWing using a 7-14 V power supply as described in RoverWing User Guide (note that RoverWing can not be powered through the USB port). It also assumes that you have connected all peripherals you intend to use (motors, servos, sonars,…) to the RoverWing board.

To upload your programs, connect the Feather board to your computer by a USB cable.


Do not use the USB port on the RoverWing to upload your program. This port should only be used for updating the firmware on the RoverWing.

Library Installation

To use RoverWing, you need Arduino IDE (version 1.6.2 or later) with the support package for your Feather board; please see your Feather board documentation for instructions on installing the hardware support package.

In addition to that, you will need to install the RoverWing library. The easiest way to do that is by using Arduino Library Manager, by selecting from the menu Tools‣Manage Libraries… and entering roverwing in the search field.

After installation, verify that library was successfully installed by opening in the main menu File‣Examples; scroll all the way down to section Examples from custom libraries and you should see RoverWing there.

Basic Usage

The code below shows basic usage of RoverWing library:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <RoverWing.h>

Rover myRover; //this is the name of the rover!

void setup(){
  Wire.setClock(400000); //use fast mode (400 kHz)
  delay(500); //wait for 0.5 second, so that roverwing initializes

Class Rover is defined in RoverWing.h; this class describes the RoverWing board. To access the RoverWing board, you need to create an object of type Rover and then initialize it using begin() function. You can use any name you like, but you can only have one object of class Rover in your sketch.

Since the Feather board communicates with the RoverWing using I2C protocol, you need to call Wire.begin() before initializing the RoverWing. It is advised that you use fast mode (400 kHz) I2C; if your feather board doesn’t support it, or you have trouble connecting, comment Wire.setClock() line to use default speed (100 kHz).

To test your setup, open the serial monitor (at 9600 bps) and run ConnectionTest example (from File‣Examples‣RoverWing menu).


The RoverWing library comes with a number of example sketches; as always, they are available from File‣Examples‣RoverWing menu of Arduino IDE. These example sketches are amply commented, making it easy to adjust the code for your purposes.