Advanced Motor Control

Closed Loop Motor control

If your motors are equipped with encoders, you can use encoder feedback to control motor speed. RoverWing firmware does it using so-called PID (Proportional-Integral-Differential) algorithm; you can read more on PID here.

Before using the closed loop speed control, you need to provide the basic information about the motor and encoder. At the very minimum, you need to set, for each motor, the motor maximal RPM and number of encoder counts per revolution of motor output shaft, as described in section Encoders.

This will automatically configure the coefficients used by PID algorithm. Advanced users can override this and set their own PID coefficients, as described below.

After configuring the motors, you can use the following function to set motor speed:

setMotorSpeed(motor_t m, float speed)

Runs motor at given speed (in RPM), using encoder feedback and PID algorithm to maintain constant speed.

Tank Drive

RoverWing provides commands for higher level drive operations: instead of controlling each motor separately, you can use commands such as “turn 90 degrees right”. To use these commands, the following conditions must be met:

  • Your robot uses tank drive: one motor controls wheel(s) or tracks on the left side of the robot, the other, on the right side of the robot. (This is by far the most common way of driving small mobile robots.)
  • Both motors are identical. If they use encoders, the encoders must be identical, too. However, many of the drive functions can be used without encoders.

Tank drive configuration

Before using the tank drive commands, you must:

  1. initialize and calibrate the IMU (the drive uses IMU to control movement) as described in section Inertial Motion Unit (IMU).

  2. configure each motor using configureMotor() function, as described in Encoders.

  3. configure the drivetrain, as shown in the example below:

    driveconfig_t drivetrain;
    drivetrain.wheelDiameter=70;//in mm
    drivetrain.wheelBase=140;   //in mm
    drivetrain.minPower=0.05;   // need at least 5% to move
    //now apply these values
    r.setDriveRampTime(1000); //set ramping up time to be 1 sec

Here is the explanation of various configuration parameters.

drivetrain.leftMotor, drivetrain.rightMotor:
Which motor controls left/right side of the robot
drivetrain.leftMotorReversed, drivetrain.rightMotorReversed:
If one of the motors is set so that sending it positive power causes the corresponding side of the robot move backward, set this parameter to true. Do not use reverseMotor() function together with this.
Wheel/sprocket diameter, in mm.
Robot base, i.e. distance between left and right wheels, in mm.

WheelDiameter and wheelBase parameters need not be exact - if they are 10% off, it is not going to change things much.

Minimal power needed for the robot to move (as fraction of the full power). This parameter is there to avoid the following common problem: when driving for fixed distance, the software reduces power to the motors to achieve smooth stop - but at some moment, power becomes so low that the robot is not moving at all. Setting this parameter avoids this problem: algorithm used by RoverWing will never reduce the power below that level. The value of this parameter depends on the robot weight, floor friction, and motor power. Suggested values are between 0.05 (for a robot on a low-friction surface such as hardwood floor) and 0.2 (for high-friction situations such as thick carpet). If not certain, begin with higher values (such as 0.3) and then decrease. If you find that the robot never completes drive operations such as turn() or func:goForward, it indicates that your minPower value is too low.
setDriveRampTime(int t):
When starting the motion, it is usually a bad idea to go from robot at rest to maximal power instantly, just as it is usually a bad idea to stop the robot by abruptly changing the motor power from 100% to 0: in both cases, this will likely result in the robot skidding on the floor, and probably slightly turning in an unpredictable way. To avoid this, when starting the robot drive, RoverWing software increases the speed from 0 to the requested motion speed gradually; this is called “ramping up” the speed. Similarly, when stopping, RoverWing gradually decreases the robot speed. Function setDriveRampTime() controls the speed of this ramping up process: calling setDriveTime(t) sets the ramping up time to go from 0 to maximal power to be t milliseconds. For example, setDriveTime(1000) sets the ramp up time to be 1 second. Note that this sets the time to go from 0 to maximal power; if you are setting the robot power to be less than maximal, then the ramp up time will be proportionally decreased. For example, if you used setDriveTime(1000) and then used the command startForward(0.5) to start the robot moving at 50% power (see below), then the ramp up time would be 0.5 sec.

Using Tank Drive

After configuring the tank drive as described in the previous section, you can use the following commands.

void goForward(float power, int32_t distance)

Go forward at given power (between 0 and 1.0) for given distance (in mm). This function requires encoders (this is the only way to measure distance) but uses the IMU - not encoders - to maintain robot direction. This function is blocking: it does not return until the robot has completed the movement. If this is not acceptable (for example, because this interferes with other parts of your program such as WiFi communication), use startForward() function below.

void startForward(float power, int32_t distance)

Non-blocking version of goForward(). This function starts the robot motion and immediately returns; the robot continues driving straight until it reaches the specified distance or receives another drive command. You can use function driveInProgress() described below to test whether the robot has completed the motion.

void startForward(float power)

Starts the robot motion forward, at given power between 0 and 1.0. The function returns immediately; the robot will continue driving straight until it receives another drive commands such as stop(). This function does not require encoders; it uses the IMU to maintain robot direction.

void goBackward((float power, int32_t distance)
void startBackward(float power, int32_t distance)
void startBackward(float power)

Similar to goForward, startBackward, but for moving backwards. Note that power and distance should be positive!

void turn(float power, float degrees)

Turns the robot by given angle at given power. Power should be between 0 and 1.0; the angle must be between -180 and 180. Positive angle corresponds to clockwise (right) turn. This function does not require encoders; it uses the IMU to measure turn angle. This function is blocking: it does not return until the robot has completed the movement. If this is not acceptable (for example, because this interferes with other parts of your program such as WiFi communication), use startTurn() function below.

void startTurn(float power, float degrees)

Non-blocking version of turn(). This function starts the robot motion and immediately returns; the robot continues turning until it has turned by the specified angle or receives another drive command. You can use function driveInProgress() described below to test whether the robot has completed the motion.

void stop()

Stops the robot, ending any drive operation currently in process. Note that this function stops the robot immediately, without any ramping down of the speed.

bool driveInProgress()

Returns true if a drive operation is currently in progress. This function can be used to detect when the robot has completed a drive operation initiated by startForward(power, distance) or startTurn(power, angle), as illustrated in the following example:

r.startForward(0.5, 800);//start motion at 50% power for 80 cm
while (r.driveInProgress()){
  //do something else, e.g. check for commands received via bluetooth
//motion forward has completed!


Setting motor speed manually using setMotorPwr() or similar functions while a drive operation is in progress can lead to unpredictable behavior. To avoid this, use stop() to make sure that all drive operations are complete before starting manual control of the motors.

Setting PID Coefficients

For advanced users, below is the detailed explanation of the PID algorithm used by RoverWing firmware.

The motor power is determined by the standard formula of PID algorithm:

P=P_0+ K_p e+\frac{K_p}{T_i}\int e\, dt +K_p T_d \frac{d}{dt} e


P is motor power (ranging from -1.0 to 1.0)

P_0=v_{desired}/v_{max} is the zero-level approximation; here v_{desired} is the requested speed and v_{max} is the maximal possible motor speed, which is determined by motor’s no-load RPM.

e=v_{desired}-v_{actual} is the error, i.e. the difference of desired and actual motor speeds (measured in encoder tics/sec)

\int e dt and \frac{d}{dt}e are the integral and derivative of the error, measured in encoder tics and tics/sec^2 respectively

K_p, T_i, T_d are the PID coefficients.

The behavior of the PID algorithm is determined by these coefficients; for example, if the coefficient K_p is too small, it will take the motor a long time to stabilize to the desired speed; if the coefficient K_p is too large, you might get oscillations. Choosing the correct coefficients requires significant experience and is certainly outside the scope of this user guide.

RoverWing software sets some default values for the PID coefficients based on motor maximal RPM and encoder tics per revolution. These default values are somewhat conservative: they are almost certain to avoid instability and large oscillations, but they take some time for the motor speed to stabilize. Advanced users can change them and set their own PID coefficients as shown in the sketch below.

motorconfig_t myMotor;
myMotor.encoderCPR = 1440;
myMotor.noloadRPM = 250; // the motor RPM under maximal power; you can find it by running example sketch "Servos and Motors Basic"
float maxspeed=myMotor.encoderCPR*myMotor.noloadRPM/60.0; //max motor speed in encoder counts/s
myMotor.Kp=0.6/maxspeed;  //suggested proportional  gain. If the motor is too slow to achieve desired speed, increase; if the motor starts oscillating, decrease.
myMotor.Ti=0.3;           // time constant for integral gain, in seconds. To disable I term, make Ti large, e.g. 100000.0
myMotor.Td=0.1;           // time constant for differential gain, in seconds. To disable differential term, make Td=0.0
myMotor.iLim = 1.0*myMotor.Ti/myMotor.Kp; // limit on integral error; this value guarantees that integral term will be at most 1.0*maxspeed
                                          // to disable integral limit, make iLim negative e.g. -1.0
//finally, configure the motors
r.configureMotor(MOTOR1, myMotor);
r.configureMotor(MOTOR2, myMotor);


If you are manually setting PID coefficients, you must set all of them. Leaving any of the values unset will result in unpredictable results.